Tuesday, April 14, 2009

american teen

two things:

an overall comment....

and who was the most appealing/sympathetic character of the teens in the film?

angels and demons

a final overall deep thought....including....

did you like it?

what one interesting did you learn that you didn't know before?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

growing up online #15 but not for mid-term

you can watch the entire show at:http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/kidsonline/

you should ...it's really, really good ...all students, teachers and parents should watch it

from the first part: technology and schools....how much is too much? the old way versus the new....what's right? what does it mean? one student says nobody reads books anymore...just go to spark notes...what does this mean for the education system? how should it react? If there were 27 hours a day, would he really read Hamlet....I don't think he would....does it matter if he doesn't

note how student "behaviour" is being affected by social networking sites...and not how the MySpace /Facebook battle neatly divides people among "class" (and racial) lines

so blog....how cool are we...using technology to do school work

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

no blog here but you may want to order some


dan brown is not invited to mass in Vatican City

so....the book...where are you on the particular journey?

and waddya think overall or so far?

btw...if you haven't, finish the book for Tuesday (it is a bit weird to be assigning this over Easter weekend but there you go)

exciting Dan Brown related tasks/activities to follow and you will also be asked to put your super duper bestest independent study type thing ever plans into writing on Tuesday

blog #13

once upon a school...the concept...the video...the potential for such a thing in Ingersoll?...etc ...blog away me hearties....

and when you are shoppin' for some buccaneerin' supplies, check out;

teens are lazy and unprepared

sayeth the article....among other things (http://www.thestar.com/article/614219)

what sayeth you?

Friday, April 3, 2009

blog on this....

is it true that you have to see it to believe it, or rather, do you have to believe it to see it?
